Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Getting Off The Merry-Go-Round

"The most profound way 
to practice releasing resistance 
is to see clearly 
how we don't want to let it go." 

-- Gabrielle Bernstein 

Often when we are learning or expanding on a thing or our thinking, we feel that we fail to be perfect at it, even for the level we have achieved, and so we can beat on ourselves about failing, missing the mark, not being there yet, or whatever. Gabrielle says that "we can forgive ourselves for not doing things perfectly, and we can forgive ourselves for holding on to old patterns. Honoring this shadow side of ourselves is the way to heal our resistance." 

Gabrielle adds, "Our happiness is a direct reflection of how quickly we can restore our fear back to love. . . The miracle isn't how well we avoid fear; the miracle is how quickly we return to love."

As I go through my day, and I feel that low vibration of a fearful thought, such as anger, resentment, disappointment, and such, when I realize or become aware what I am thinking by paying attention to how I am feeling, I can accept and honor that, and then, I can choose again. I can choose love.

It's kind of like going fast on a merry-go-round, then getting off and trying to walk a straight line. We may be caught up in it for the moment, but in a very short time, we can return to clarity and better control.

We're here to support you as you decide to get off the merry-go-round. It is an empowering decision. Call Jennifer House at 530-310-6123 and let's see what we can do together.

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